With the themes of “Diversity” and “Contradiction” in my mind, I wander through the world of my painting, applying many meticulous brushstrokes on the canvas. The motif I chose is Raigo-zu (Image of Welcoming Approach by Amida Buddha) , using an image of the coming of a myriad of Goats with a large retinue instead of Amida Buddha. I am exploring the reality that would exist after tweaking the reality of our daily lives with the redemption of Goats.The bird’s-eye view that you see “NOW” could become a “Future reality”. I am striving to achieve something persuasive even though it may be incomprehensible.
「多様性」と「矛盾」をテーマに、画中を練り歩くように筆を運ぶ。届かぬ声を紡ぎたい。選んだモチーフは大勢の山羊の来迎図。彼らの背負った贖罪、または我々の日常、 それらのチューニングを少し変えた先に、遍在するリアルを探った。「今」を記す俯瞰図は、「あり得たかもしれない未来」でもある。